Elles - Single

Megan Metheney,  harp & piano - 2022

Zest single
Phoenix single
Les Audides - Album

Megan Metheney with Rebekah West (voice, percussion) -  2015

Lettre d'Amour - Single

Solo - 2002

Zest- Single

Solo - 2023

Cote d'azur, France​ 

Bernard's Christmas - Album

Solo- 2014

Christmas music infused with the works of Bernard Andrès

​Notes on the Moon - Album

Solo - 2007

Music written with the moon as inspiration. 

Bach Sarabande  from the 6th cello suite - Single

Solo- 2015

Phoenix - Single

Megan Metheney with Armelle Agati (flute), Zach Clark (cello) -  2022

Mon Souffle - Single

Megan Metheney and Theodóra Géczi (cello) - 2022